This time last year I was packing bags, eating at restaurants that wouldn't be in Hawaii, searching for apartments/jobs online, sad to leave everyone, nervous, and excited all at the same time. This August marks the 1 year mark of living in Hawaii. I can't believe how fast this year has flown by! I knew moving here was God's plan for my life, but it was a difficult and an exciting move. Who wouldn't be excited to move to Hawaii? I was so thrilled to move here because I love the beach and mountains. However, leaving everyone I loved was a different story, which made things difficult. Thankfully, I have a very supportive family, boyfriend, and friends who love me unconditional and have been there for me during this whole process. I have grown more than I could have possibly imagined in my faith and becoming independent. (I would consider myself independent before I moved out here, but it's a different kind of independence when your family is halfway around the world.)
In a year..
- I moved away from everyone I loved to start a new chapter of my life
- I have become a manager and a boss
- I have lived through a Tsunami (not big at all, but it was still a tsunami)
- I bought a used car and sold it and then bought another used car
- I changed my residency to a new state and now I am a kama'aina (local)
- I have learned how to cook
- I went skydiving with my mom and sister
- Went to a National Championship Game and we won!
- I have learned how to do home repairs
- Have had two apartments, same building but different floors
- Went to another island
- Have only been able to go home one time (sadly) because it's hard to take time off of work
- I have made great friends that are from all over the world
- I spent my first holidays away from my family
- I know how to speak and understand Hawaiian slang a.k.a pidgin english
- I got to spend New Years with my best friends from college.
- I have seen more parades in one year than I have in my whole life
- Have had family, boyfriend, and friends come visit
- I have worn flip flops every single day of the year except when I went home (it was winter)
- I have had a gecko live with me because he thought he was welcomed here... he wasn't
- I have judged a beauty pageant
- I got to see 50 ft waves
- Have seen the TV set for Lost and saw Hurley from the show and the "The Black Pearl" and "The Flying Dutchman" ships for the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie.
I feel like I have done and learned so much more, but I just don't seem to remember them at this moment. It has been a great year and I am looking forward to see what next year has in store. Photo recap of the year:
Cutting my first pineapple in my new apartment |
David's first visit to Hawaii
New Years Eve with The Dozen
National Champions
My family came to visit
Skydiving on the North Shore
Tsunami Day 2010
David and I on the Na Pali Coast in Kauai
Laura and I at Pearl Harbor |
Aloha :)
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