Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I was washing dishes tonight and out of the corner of my eye I see a HUGE completely black insect flying around my kitchen. I have never seen anything like it. It was like a fly, but had the longest legs like a grand daddy long leg. It was really fast when it was crawling on my wall, but when it flew it would fly like a bee. (You know, not extremely fast and it would zig-zag it's little living self around my kitchen) In the South we are known for the flies and mosquitos. Therefore, I have killed a few in my day and it doesn't bother me at all to do it again. (The only thing I freak out about are geckos, insects are simple)

Killing the insect was not an issue. Two hard slaps with my flip flop and it was dead, but I can't figure out what it is.

If you have any idea, I would appreciate it. As of now, after my research I believe it is a Hawthorne fly. But it looks to small to be that.

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