Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Moldy Sunglasses...

I really wanted mashed potatoes tonight for dinner. 

I really wanted to make mashed potatoes like I have at home. I used to make them all the time and they were perfect. I moved out here and I have yet to make good mashed potatoes. Difference: at home I have a hand mixer and here I have a potato masher. Leave it to Hawaii to keep me in the dark ages by using a hand potato masher. Mashed potatoes just don't taste the same with a potato masher. 

However, I had to skype chat with my discussion group from school to answer questions at 7:00 p.m. I really wanted mashed potatoes and fried chicken. I had time to make the mashed potatoes, just not the fried chicken. (Yes, I could have made it after my meeting, but who wants to start cooking that late at night?)  So  instead I decided to make loaded potato soup, because it is delicious and easy. I cooked the potatoes while my group was discussing topics that make my head hurt. After I had already added the majority of the ingredients, it was time to add the sour cream. I was so excited about my soup. I opened the container of sour cream and all I saw was green. 

Green Mold.

Green Mold all over my sour cream that was going to make my soup taste delicious. 

I improvised. Thank goodness Google was invented. 

I added the finishing touches and it was ready. My head hurt, either from school work that I don't understand or pure hunger. It was probably a mixture of both. I decided before I sat down to eat that I would go ahead and put my flour back in my cabinet. As I am putting my flour up I hear something fall. I just figured it was a magnet. I constantly knock magnet's off the fridge. I closed the door and turn around to see my sunglasses sinking in my soup. 


Sunglasses sinking in my soup that was going to be so delicious. 

I took the sunglasses off and washed them. I stared at my soup. It looked fine.

I ate it and it was delicious. 

The end.

My head still hurts, I think I need chocolate. Maybe frozen hot chocolate might due the trick... this time hold the mold and sunglasses please.

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